Wilderness Society
The Arctic Refuge Experience
How do you motivate young people to stand up for a place they’ll never get to visit? Bring that place to them with an immersive 4D sensory experience.
After decades of protection, 20 millions acres of the Arctic Refuge is about to be opened to Big Oil. That’s bad news for indigenous inhabitants, local wildlife and pretty much the world at large. To raise awareness, I worked with the lovely folks at DoSomething Strategic, Kickdrum Strategy and Future Colossal to create a pop up event that traveled to sold out crowds in Brooklyn, DC and San Francisco.
After guests ‘traveled to the Arctic’ and learned about the unfair oil leasing practices facing the Arctic Refuge, we gave them several ways to help in our specially designed activation area. There, thousands of guests became shareholders of the NO WAAY CORP (Nation’s Outraged Wilderness Advocates Assemble Against hYpocrisy) – the first ever collective action corporation created to stop Big Oil. They also called Big Oil CEOs to give them a piece of their mind, spoke out on our social wall, signed petitions and shared photo booth snaps on their social pages.
This lead to 12,000 actions, 23 million impressions and close to 10,000 visitors.
< ———- Plus, I got to make some fun swag for a great cause.
The Arctic Refuge Experience
How do you motivate young people to stand up for a place they’ll never get to visit? Bring that place to them with an immersive 4D sensory experience.
After decades of protection, 20 millions acres of the Arctic Refuge is about to be opened to Big Oil. That’s bad news for indigenous inhabitants, local wildlife and pretty much the world at large. To raise awareness, I worked with the lovely folks at DoSomething Strategic, Kickdrum Strategy and Future Colossal to create a pop up event that traveled to sold out crowds in Brooklyn, DC and San Francisco.
After guests ‘traveled to the Arctic’ and learned about the unfair oil leasing practices facing the Arctic Refuge, we gave them several ways to help in our specially designed activation area. There, thousands of guests became shareholders of the NO WAAY CORP (Nation’s Outraged Wilderness Advocates Assemble Against hYpocrisy) – the first ever collective action corporation created to stop Big Oil. They also called Big Oil CEOs to give them a piece of their mind, spoke out on our social wall, signed petitions and shared photo booth snaps on their social pages.
This lead to 12,000 actions, 23 million impressions and close to 10,000 visitors.
< ———- Plus, I got to make some fun swag for a great cause.